Friday, January 15, 2010

Bye bye Val!

A very good friend of mine is going to NY today! Met up with her yesterday. I'm really very excited for her! It has been her dream to go on an exchange ever since she entered uni! She's so going to have lots of fun.

But I felt very angry for her at something. The previous batch of exchange students left stuff at their apartments and the current batch of students are going to take over. Those people demanded USD $50 from them each!!! Madness!!!

Those people claimed that they left their stuff there as goodwill. MY FOOT! They just don't wanna bring back their trash. (Not literally, but still!) Please lor! I'm sure with USD $50, Val can get brand new stuff from walmart or target.

Can't believe those NTU students are so selfish! Apparently, it happened to Val's friend who went to San Diego for exchange. Gosh. Those students asked for USD $100!!! SELFISH!!! So disgusted with NTU students.

I remembered when I left Atlanta, I left all my stuff with the Malaysians. They were so happy!!! I can't imagine demanding money from them. What's wrong with kids nowadays??? HAHA!

Okay, good luck Val!!! Have lots of fun! Show me pictures soon!!!

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