Sunday, January 19, 2014


Looking back, 2013 has been a challenging and exciting year.

The most exciting ones are:

1. I got a new job (starting in feb 2014).
2. I went for star award and had a pic with Qi Yuwu!!!! My fav mediacorp actor. :)))
3. I made a lot of new random friends.
4. I learnt the ukelele!
ERM, that's about it. Okay not very eventful. Work was damn drama though.But appreciate my clerks more! Thanks to them, I managed to last for so long. 2.5yrs is no easy feat for a boring job.

Anyway, all my resolutions are NOT met for 2013. For 2014, I hope more will be done.

1. LOSE MY BLOODY TUMMY!!! my tummy is not bloody. But it's bulging. Damn gross.
2. Run 21km with ease. Signed up for Sundown already. If all goes well, I wanna do stan chart 21km too!
3. Climb Mt Rinjani! I should have gone with Wendy when I had the chance last year. But hope i'll find someone to go with me!
4. Be healthy! Not take MC in my new job. I've got a friend who has never taken MC in his entire life. Gonna do the same for my new job. But my main is to be healthy!
5. Do well for my new job! I really like the new company. So hope all goes well!
6. Go to London and watch Arsenal/ Chelsea play!!! Hope scoot someday will fly to London!!!
7. Stop being so picky. Told BFF, I'll go out with the first guy who ask me out this year. hee. It was actually him (my bff). But he said not counted.
8. Be nice to everyone. I've been too pissy this year. The IT team in my dept branded me as a nasty bitch. haha! What a name!
9. Volunteer! Not doing it anytime soon as I wanna be more settled with work first. Hopefully there's smt corporate.
10. Don't be so action. HAHA. I shall stop acting I'm so cool and go to clubs and pubs. I hate those places!!! But I just go cos it seems so cool. NO MORE. (unless if there's any special occasions.)
11. Be happy! Seems easy, but no!!! cos I'm always comparing why others have it better than me. That's why I've stopped following bloggers. I always thought they are so lucky to be pretty, smart, popular etc. But compare for what? Compare already I more sian. So, STOP COMPARING, and be contented.

Okay that's it! Pretty ambitious I must say. By the way, my 2014 goes by the lunar calendar. HAHA. cos I already broke a resolution (no.4. I took MC when I came back from Shanghai. hehe. )