Thursday, April 17, 2014

Should I stay?

My heart is telling me to leave my job now. But my brain says no. :(

Work has been crazily stressful. First, I got very bad gastric attack. Then, I had an arthritis relapse scare. What next? Heart failure? Highly likely given I panic more than a thousand times a day. :(

I know this job is NOT for me. But it's good learning, and I get to travel on discounted rate. Then again, so what right?

What should I do? What's ideal is for me to leave now since the notice period is only 2weeks. Then get my health back, and start looking for a job again. The only thing tiny pull back factor is that I'm currently working in my favourite place in Singapore, the airport. This opportunity is so difficult to come by! Damn. :(

I know what is for me. I need people's interaction. And not face the computer one whole day. I can go without talking in the office. :( I don't like it. HOW???? If I leave now, am  I taking the easy way out? Can someone enlighten me please?