Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Guess what? I'm in NTU. Not that I miss NTU so much. But I broke my the letters "Z" and "X" on my keyboard. I must have pounded on my laptop while watching soccer intensively last night. haha!!! I was overly excited over Japan vs Cameroon match! So many "almost score" moments.

The fujitsu guy fixed my viral problem too!!! yay! My laptop is as good as new! And it's super fast after I've reformatted.

Anyway, back to the topic of me being in NTU. I'm so bored and a little sick of staying at home that I've decided to use my com here in NTU! hahaa! I feel like the only Singaporean here. (Right now, I'm hearing shrieking China-accented mandarin from across the canteen. hahha!)

NTU is just as dull. Now, it's worse. With all the fences up, it's like a ZOO. NTU is so ugly. How in the world did it get chosen for YOG?!!! Then again, there isn't anywhere nicer.

I'm feeling the dull vibe now. It feels as though NTU is absorbing all the energy in me. I'm so restless and crappy! Thank goodness for msn!!! Trying to convince Shuling to come home. hahaha!!!

Such a boring post. Alright! Rooting for Germany in world cup!

Ich libe Deutschland. (Seems wrong! hahaha!)

p.s. Really hope ppl buy my old psychology textbk on imall. I wanna get rid of stuff!!!
Anyone interested in my books???

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