Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last few days in Atlanta

It sucks that I've been feeling pretty down for the past few days. Doubt it's entirely cos of exams. It's a combination of every little things. I hate it as I've only a few days left in GT and I don't wanna feel lousy in such a beautiful place. But then, guess it's because I'm leaving and that's way I'm feeling down. But whatever it is, I'm so going to enjoy the last few days to the max!!!

I'm going to miss Atlanta, GT, psycho girls, IH boys, GIP ppl, some not so random ang mohs, the food, the morning sunshine, the breeze, the trees, the birds, the flowers, the whistle blown at every 55 min of the hr, saying thank you to the tech trolley driver, saying hey to any random ppl (it's fun!), jogging and not perspiring as much, the sunset, the city skyline, the random dogs, the cold, AND many more random stuff.

Gonna miss the psycho girls the most! Not gonna see them for one whole month. I'm sending off jx to the airport on fri and later that afternoon, i'll be saying gd bye to steph. How depressing can it get? And think the rest of the gip ppl are leaving on fri also. The guys shld be going for nba game. My housemates shld also be gone by then. OH MAN. This is really depressing. But then again, looking at pics like these makes me smile! I love those guys. haha!

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