Thursday, May 21, 2009

Perth Airport + Swan Valley + Whiteman Park

In the airport.
It was SUPER cold.
I wore 3 layers. haha!
We reached at about 12mn.
To save on hotel, we slept over in the airport.
Fun experience!!!
I slept over at Atlanta airport before!
But I didn't quite sleep.
But I really slept at Perth's airport.
Too tired.
The others. haha!
2 nbs girls.

The nbs guys.

The other 2 nbs girls.

Jeff woke me up! haha!
That was when he took the unglam shots of others.

The first day at Swan Valley.
I didn't take that much pics.
But the place was quite nice.
Lots of trees, flowers!

I look like my sis in this pic!
Cos I was frowning. haha!
She always frown.

Not the keeper. haha!
The baby kangaroo!!!
We weren't allowed to carry it.

The wombat!
Super lazy, big and dirty!
There were dirt and mud all over it.
It does nothing all day except dig in the mud.
Jeff's favourite animal.

The goat!
Nothing interesting.
Except that the entrance of the enclosure said enter at your own risk.
Seems scary. haha!
But the animals in there were rather harmless.

A baby cow!
Harmless but I didn't quite dare to go near it!
It's actually quite cute!

I love the kangaroos!!!!
I like it when it licked my hand.
Oh! I love to touch it's fur.
I think there are too many kangaroos in Aus.
Cos there's kangaroo meat for sale.
It's so sick to me!
They're way too cute to be eaten.
It's like eating dog meat. Gross.

The koala!
Again, we were not allowed to carry it.
I used to like it.
But, it's too lazy for my liking. haha!
They only wake up for about 20mins a day just to eat.
Then, they'll go back to sleep.
Worse than the wombats. haha!

oh! But I love to touch their fur!
We're only allowed to touch certain parts using the back of our hand.
And, i think we can only stroke their bellies.
So, that's the end for day 1!
After the park, we went back to our home in Joondalup.
I didn't take pics of the house.
I like it there!
Behind the house, there's a woods.
There's a long flight of stairs somewhere in the woods.
It's like the Korean show wishing stairs. Creepy right?
It's actually very very dark at night.
So, we could see lots of stars!!!
I love it!!!

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