Saturday, March 07, 2009

One week of hell gone!

First week of hell month is over! yay. 2 presentations, 2 quizzes and 1 job interview.
Not all went well, obviously. haha! The most fun part of the week was the interview at BSU at home team academy. Steph and I signed up for the same internship program. I won't be going cos I've already accepted France summer program. I know I won't get the internship due to my poor GPA but it seemed really fun! If only I've studied harder. haha! Hope Steph gets it. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun in there.
After this week, there's still a lot to do! All individual stuff. Hope I do survive. But no matter what, I won't do silly things like the 2 NTU students. Quite sad to hear someone of my age (or around my age) doing such stuff. I'm sure studying is not everything! At least to me. Gosh. Hope itll never ever happen to me. haha!
So, if i'm really stress, i'll just take it easy!!!

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