Thursday, October 16, 2008

Aveune Q

Avenue Q songs are very catchy! Nice and funny. I almost burst out laughing on the train today while listening to them. Damn funny! At home, I kept humming "it sucks to me be". It's one of their songs. I can relate to it! Not that my self esteem is low or what. But sometimes, life just sucks.

But then again, I always get damn enlighten in Sanjana's class. She was saying something like undergrads don't have work life balance. Students study hard, not smart. That's totally me. I can memorize things like mad and yet not understand a thing. I guess it's the most applicable to stats. Oh gosh. Gonna get my results back for the mid term soon. Then, I can really start singing out loud " IT SUCKS TO BE ME." haha!

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