Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm so stress now that I feel that I can just explode any moment. It sucks that everything is piling up! I thought I plan well for this semester. But no! NTU is so different from GT. Everything is so intensive! Extra classes, projects, presentations...
Less than 1 month till the end of agony. Okay. Things could have been worse. At least I know I'm not alone!
Just gotta work super hard for 1 month!

p.s. Even though I was super busy, I've been reading a book written by Kubler Ross. Psy ppl, sounds familiar? haha! It's a book about death and dying. The way she wrote about death is that it's something very pleasant. Weird right? I haven't read in depth yet but it got me really interested! So, death isn't that scary. But, I can't die now! Got so many unfinished business. haha! I still want to go back to GT for cheesecake ice cream with wheatables!!! And tin drum. AND how can I forget, my favourite lucky buddha!!! haha!


Anonymous said...

i'm damn stressed too!! i got 65 for my ling test and my fren got 98.3 omg! haha same as ur stats test lol

kubler ross sounds familiar! is it the person who talked abt the 5stages to death?

and pls dun die now, u can die after giving me my present for my 21st birthday wahaha


lee said...

val! haha! yes. i won't die now. i still wanna travel and do so much stuff!!!!
yes! kubler ross is the one who talked abt death and dying. it's very interesting! she talked abt how ppl feel when they're abt to die and how it might be like after death.
oh! haha! but 65 is definitely better than 59. i just can't do stats!!! haha.
