I love the parks in Melbourne!!! And the weather was perfect to stroll or frolic on the grass! I love the red leaves from the trees, with the occasional spotting of possum! I can stay there the whole afternoon with a good book!!!
Shuling and I went to Fitzroy Garden and Treasury Garden on a Saturday afternoon. Before that, she had her dental appointment which she missed her previous slot due to the damn bus. haha! It didn't stop for us! But yeah, we should have flagged. So anyway, we changed plans and went to her friend's place, Steph's, first!
I love Steph's place!!! Her mom grew roses!!! I LOVE ROSES!!!!!!!!!
She knew I was fascinated by her roses, with me taking so many shots of them!
So, she cut a very nice one for me!!!
It smelled just like the bandung drink!!!
See how perfect it looked!!!!!
Such a pity I left it at Shuling's place. Forgot to bring back!!!
After Shuling's dental appointment, we had lunch with Steph and Gerry.
Chinese food. Quite shiok due to the huge portions!
Armed with bubble tea and snacks, we embarked on our journey to the parks!!!
We stopped at parliament station.
Our way to the parks!
I think it's st paul's cathedral.
Princess theater where u can watch musicals!
It's such a pity that Melbourne doesn't have as much musicals as Sydney.
If not, I would definitely watch one! Esp if there's Wicked!!!
The parliament house!
Brides and bridesmaids!
MORE weddings!!!
And many many more!!! Think we counted about 5?
Bubble tea is expensive in Melbourne!
I love this pic!
Btw, we're at Treasury Garden cos we couldn't find Fitzroy at first.
Now we're at Fitzroy!
Little houses!
The fairies' tree, with carvings dated back to the 1930s.
The very nice autumn tree!
The jetstar jump! hahaa!
A post office box. I dunno what's so special about it.
Maybe cos it looks antique. But think I saw quite a number of such boxes around Melbourne!
The cook's cottage, where James cook spent his childhood.
We were strolling along Yarra River.
Felt like strolling along the Seine River in Paris.
The next day, we went to St Kilda's beach and Albert park, where the F1 circuit is!
It's fine now!
It's a pleasant walk to the train station! About 15mins.
Luna park, an amusement park in St kilda.
We can go in for free.
But got to pay for the rides, which i didn't take.
cos seriously, after parc asterix in paris, nothting looked exciting.
I like this pic. Proved that I've been to St kilda. haha!
I looked so blind!!!!!! hahaha!
My sis's shades.
I've never looked good in shades.
That explains why I never really own one.
My sisters gave me one! But I looked quite bad in it. So i passed it on!
I look better now! Without shades!
Brooks jetty, still in st kilda's beach.
So relaxing!
We then proceed on to Albert park from St Kilda.
We didn't know how to get there. So we were looking at our guide book very seriously.
Then, this guy, called Nick, very harmlessly approached us.
He offered to bring us to Albert Park, which he so kindly did.
Throughout the journey, he told us about his life. About him being a musician, travelling to many parts of the world. I was thinking, that's nice. Until, he got quite absurd. He started saying how he and his band got a record deal in US but it didn't work out cos of some girl problems within the band. Then he said he went to Japan and got quite popular. And he said he'll be working with a popular singer called Miko.
He didn't even look like a popstar. He was dressed very shabbily!!! He continued talking to us even when we reached. I didn't know how to decline how very kind offer to bring us around. Till he wanted to bring us to an art gallery somewhere not in Albert park. Then, our girly instinct kicked in. haha! We said we had a dinner appointment with our other friendS and it's quite soon. Thank goodness he went away.
What an encounter! hahaha! After he left, we could admire the scenery at Albert park. See how lovely it's!!!
Beautiful sunset!!!
Timer shot again!
Quite cool right?!
Tagged black swans.
The pathway for joggers!
The city in sight.
A random pose. hahaha!
More sunset pics.
That's me!
Nice shot?
Shuling's creative idea to use shades to cover the camera lens.
I love the effect!
That's all about parks in the city.
If only Singapore has lovely parks. Then again, even if have, no one will go cos it's so damn bloody HOT. yes. I'm still complaining about the weather. But lesser these days.
p.s. I went for my first diving lesson. OMG. So tedious!!!!! Hope it'll be less tedious tomorrow.
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