Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Night...

I'm surprisingly calm on a Sunday night. Could be my new toy. Or could be the sudden zen feel I've in me. 

2017 has been pretty rough in the beginning, mainly my health. It all started with a health screening. Then everything went downhill. I paid tons and tons of $$$ to find out I'm not too well, but my health is too serious. I was quite worried initially. But it seems like a blessing in disguise. I'm gonna pay more attention to my health for the remaining of 2017!

I stopped running ever since my Gold Coast marathon. I did a 21km in March, but it was a killer. I took almost forever to complete. I've been neglecting my health for work. It's very bad. I'm gonna start running! When I'm back from Japan. 

Work is gonna get tougher. So I need to manage both properly! Just gotta learn how to do it. Not gonna give up one for another. 

Alright it's time to sleep. Monday blues gonna kick in real soon! 


After a hiatus of using Mac for close to a decade, I've taken the leap of faith again by getting one for work! It's pretty cool. Still trying to adjust to the features.

Anyway, the reason for this post is cos I just wanna type! hehe. Loving the Mac so far! Hope I can get the hang of it.