NO, I do not miss my lil sis so much that I've to put her pictures here. haha! I managed to transfer pictures from my phone to the monster!
Here are the pictures taken on the 1st & 2nd day when I got my phone. 2nd day is the day I flew to Paris!
Popo!!! Miss her.
Popo again! And shermeen. See how amused Popo was over that missy. haha!
Missy and I!
My baby! Should have brought it to Paris.
I rmb Saha was so sulky! This pic is so fake. hahaha! She always like that one. Sulk whenever I go overseas. I didn't even sulk when she went Seattle.
Dajie and I! Same bangs!
Family plus an intruder. haha!
Intruder and I!
Finally Paris!
p.s. On my fb, I said I'm going to eat grass for the next few months. It's so true cos....
Shermeen and I are flying to SEATTLE!!!!!! =)))))))))