I'm so glad Jeff found out about the racing track!!! Freaking awesome place! Can forget about going to Kartright (Singapore) forever!
The helmets are sooooooo new! haha! Seems like karting is an expensive sport for the locals.
And don't have to wear stupid hairnet. Gotta wear one in Kartright.

Typical tourist pose!
I love the cars! Damn fast!!! Think it's 270cc.
Nope that's not my car. Looks like an F1 car! But think it's A1. Not too sure.
The karting track! It's so much easier and smoother to drive! Gotta brake only a few times! At the sharp corners. Singapore's track is so tiny that there're so many corners. Need to brake every time!

The stig? HAHA! fake one.

Another typical touristy pose. haha!
That's the mini bike! Can ride on it! I've no idea how thou. It's so tiny!
GUESS where we're???
Eskimo cafe! Saha said it's the same as the one in Singapore!
Back to Macau. Fisherman whaft.
Old rundown housing estate. Nothing like the glamorous casinos.
Macau is all about racing too! Unfortunately, the grand prix museum was closed on Tuesday. And we were there on that day.

Look like vegas desert? haha! The outskirts of Macau have nothing, but these bare plants.
We hiked for half an hr to the race track in Macau. BUT, it's closed for an international karting event!!! Damn sian. We walked so far to kart, and it's closed!!!
My relationship with Macau/Zhuhai is a love-hate one. Casinos are way too smoky. And way too many of them. BUT, I love it that both places are so racing-orientated!!! F1 to Macau again please!!!!